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Updated: Jun 3, 2022

Title seems a little conceded, yeah? Well let me explain.

Movies were a special treat for me growing up. It would be a friday circa 2014, Mum would mention the video store and the twinkle in our little eyes would light up. The video store was quite literally our disney land. So many options, so many genres. My siblings would always pick the same two movies, so much that our parents had to buy them. Ice age and Happy feet, two internationally recognised movies but also two movies that bored me to death. That was probably the first time that I realised not everyone is always gonna like the same movies and also, not every movie is going to be good.

Carrying on into my teen years the horror genre really grinded my gears, I felt like I couldn't find a movie that genuinely scared me or wasn't cliche. I didn't even finish half of them because of how terribly boring they were. When you prepared yourself for a jump-scare, there was your jump-scare. exactly where I knew it would be.

I came across a very few decent horror movies which included The Exorcist (1973), Hereditary (2018), even though the ending could have been better. I always quite enjoyed Sinister (2012) but that was about it.

After this prolonged journey with no end in sight I started to wonder if I could do better. That is when I first looked into film and TV as a career. I found this programme at Massey University and said F*** it, I will study, learn, and create scary horror movies that I can enjoy, So as I am currently studying I am also looking into the development of horror movies and writing a couple of my own scripts.

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